Set the data mask in vtkVolume16Source to > "Warning: this dataset has a connectivity bit set (unlike the half and > I understand that the format of such data is different from the Quarter and Half Headsq data as pointed out in the ReadMe: > that is used to demonstarte the example (InsightApplications/vtkITK/Scripts/DemoMutual.tcl). > There is a dataset of HEADSQ Images (headsq.1, headsq.2. > Once you load an image in ITK you can save it in any > LandmarkInitializedMutualInformationRegistration

> look at the ITK registration applications such as > I would suggest you to use the MetaImage header attached and > In that situation, the reading of the image is done with VTK > experiment where ITK filters where wrapped inside VTK filters. > Note that the actual demo that you are looking at is an early > the headsq dataset with an itk::ImageFileReader. > Where you will find the MetaImage header that allows you to read > The third link is the following email of the ITK users list > If it is different from the others, can you tell me how I can convert my images to the same format as the HEADSQ Image format, and add the connectivity bit set " As mentioned above: this dataset has a connectivity bit set "? > Am I wrong? is the format of this dataset similar to the Quarter and Half datasets? Set the data mask in vtkVolume16Source to mask out the high-order bit." > The ReadMe of this HEADSQ dataset says: "Warning: this dataset has a connectivity bit set (unlike the half and quarter resolution cases). > To my understanding it has different format from the Headsq Quarter and Half format. headsq.94) that is used to demonstarte the example:(InsightApplications/vtkITK/Scripts/DemoMutual.tcl). > There is also one more dataset of HEADSQ Images (headsq.1, headsq.2. > There are 2 different Headsq datasets in ITK (Quarter, Half). > I found the link that you directed me to and many other links but that was not the dataset that I was referring to. > I agree that Google is a good search engine but it did not help me much in this case. > vtkImageReader *reader = vtkImageReader::New() I truly appreciate your help and support. How is it possible to convert my patient to similar format to the HEADSQ format, so that I can run the example on my own data instead of the HEADSQ patient? The example can not read the Headsq Quarter dataset.

Example works perfectly only with ths HEADSQ dataset that has connectivity bit set ( Example reads data without any header file).ģ. The HEADSQ dataset I am referring to is in:Ģ. I am asking about the HEADSQ datsset format because I would like to use my own images (a Patient images) instead of the HEADSQ images in the exampl: InsightApplications/vtkITK/Scripts/DemoMutual.tcl.ġ. Next message: FloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalIterator: Losing.Re: Volume Data Headsq in ITK VTK Example alqatarneh at alqatarneh at Re: Volume Data Headsq in ITK VTK Example